Pacific Green Energy is a revolutionary startup based in Taiwan aiming to educate and promote the adoption of solar panels instead of relying on traditional and pollutant heavy energy consumption methods.

WeSuperseed had the pleasure of helping Pacific Green Energy realign their overall brand strategy, expand their existing brand identity, and build a custom designed, interactive educational website.

Their target market was specific - property, agriculture, factory land owners of Taiwan. Baby boomers that aren’t not heavily tech savvy. Our challenge was to make a intuitive website that educates viewers on the issues of using coal and fossil fuels, while providing them alternative energy solutions, enticing them to empower themselves to make the change and join the cause. 

The Concept

We developed a simple, fun and engaging parallax storytelling website that educates the viewers the harsh reality of the situation in Taiwan, showing them that there are alternative sustainable means to producing energy in Taiwan, and leading them to sign up / contact the Client to take action.

Pacific Green Energy is a continuously growing force in Taiwan to this day. Spread the news and let's get sustainable.

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